A few weeks ago Stephanie and I were taking photos at a Millington wedding (which was very nice, and deserves its own post, to come later) while 'Fifi,' a Boeing B-29 Superfortress bomber was in town for display and rides. At $1495 for a good seat, and $995 for a nosebleed equivalent, we didn't have any trouble saying "No,we're just here to look!"

As we were driving to the Jetport we caught sight of Fifi on short final for Runway 22, but didn't have the cameras out in time since everything was packed away in a Pelican case in the back.
They had a few other aircraft parked on the ramp - a P-51D Mustang was one of them!
I took a few photos of another aircraft type that I didn't recognize. Since I forgot to get a shot of its N-number or any markings, I can't quite find out what it is!
Just before we left, a little Piper with some fat tundra tires took off. I'm sure they enjoyed seeing those rare vintage warplanes on the ground as they climbed out!